President - Unopposed - Wendy Chirgwin
Vic President - Unopposed - Chris Dyer
Secretary - Unopposed - Maree Stringer
Treasurer - Unopposed - Julie Spiteri
Small Talk Editor Unopposed - Julie Spiteri
Registrar - LBC Janelle Johnson
Public Officer - LBC Anne Ryan
Michelle Miller
Jason Siggins
Victoria - Maree Stringer
SA / NSW - Barb Voysey
Following a review of the accounts for the financial year ended 30 June, 2024, the National Committee of Management, with a view to maintaining the viability of the Society, have no alternative but to increase our Registry and Membership Fees from 1 November 2024.
We wish to point out that the last time Registry and Membership Fee increases took place was prior to 2011 and that Membership Fee increases won't affect current Members until they renew their Membership next year.
We have done our utmost to maintain the Society without increases to Members for over a decade, however increased running costs of the Society, including but not limited to, Insurance Premium increases and Registry Office expenses have now made these increases necessary.
The National Committee of Management of the Society are very proud that AMPS® has been looking after Members and their Ponies around Australia for the last 50 years and the longevity of AMPS® is paramount in all decisions that are made.
AMPS®, like many other Groups, are still recovering from the impact that Covid had on our Society and in this regard we need Member support and understanding as this is extremely important for the Society, which as a Not For Profit Member based organization, needs your support and commitment as a Member, as this is vital to ensure the Society remains strong and financially viable into the future.
AMPS® National Committee of Management
1. Zoom Meeting Opened: 7.10pm (Vic Time)
2. Present: W. Chirgwin, M. Stringer, B. Voysey, C. Dyer, J. Spiteri, M. Miller
J. Siggins
3. Visitors: NIL
4. To receive apologies: NIL
5. To receive and confirm the minutes from 15th May 2024
· Nil amendments
Correctly Moved & Seconded AIF Carried
6. To discuss business arising from the above minutes:
· Tax Invoices from LBC – Moved General Business
· Equitana Melbourne – Moved to General Business
Correctly Moved & Seconded AIF Carried
7. To receive correspondence in:
a. New Members –14th May, 7thJune, 13th June, 20th June, 26th June,
12th July x 2,
b. Horse Deal Statement – May, June
c. Profit and loss statements for May.
d. Balance Sheet for May,
e. Proft and Loss year to date May 2024
f. Zoom Tax Invoice - $246.29
g. Equitana Deposit Tax Invoice - $297.00
h. LBC Tax Invoice April $1903.38, May $1785.20 & June $2895.41
i. LBC Contract Agreement
j. Equitana 2nd Tax Invoice - $668.25
k. Reports for SA & NSW
l. Email A. Ryan LBC June Accounts
m. Member requesting Vet to Measurer
n. Quote to print Small Talk from the Printer at Drouin $1,410.00 + GST for 260 copies.
8. Correspondence out
· Phone calls and email out to members regarding membership, registrations, stud returns etc.
9. To receive and accept new members subject to Committee Approval
· 14th May, 7th June, 13th June, 20th June, 26thJune,
12th July x 2,
Correctly Moved & Seconded AIF Carried
10. To receive and accept new Measurers.
· Nil
11. Reports
· President – W. Chirgwin
Now that things are back to a bit of normal, I have to put my President hat on and start talking about our financial situation as we have worked far too hard in keeping AMPS® a viable society and in the black during some very difficult times and this will not change whilst I am President. We now need to look at all our costings and rethink our fee structure to coincide with the price increase from LBC this needs to be both fair and viable to both Members and the Society and after the email that I read out from A. Ryan from LBC we need to do something sooner rather than later this needs to be discussed in General Business
· Secretary – M. Stringer
Nothing much has changed from last meeting still Members are selling ponies without having upgrades and transfers done which is making it very difficult for the new Members coming in the AMPS® but at least now with the Website they are calling me or the State Delegate and not LBC which is great.
· Treasurer – J. Spiteri Figures as of the end of May
Income - $1213.64
Expenses - $3140.49
Loss – $1926.85
Total Equity $30,452.84
· Small Talk Editor – J. Spiteri
No Report
· State Delegates
VIC – M. Stringer
The Vic Committee will be having their AGM and High Point Awards on 11thAug starting at 11am at the Commercial Hotel at Ballan I am hoping to see some new and old faces as the show season is starting to ramp up and we need all hands on deck to make the shows fantastic most of all the Agi shows are back up but some shows have cut the breed classes right down and some shows have cut them out completely so let’s hope the Vic AMPS® Committee can get our shows back up with good entries so we can start to move forward again
SA – B. Voysey –
AMPS® SA Promotional Group’s coming Show season is beginning to take shape with Classes at 2 Agricultural Shows already confirmed and I am in the process of finalizing dates for our other Shows and our State Championship Show has already been booked. As is our usual custom, we will share grounds and Judges with MHAA® SA Promotional Group, which results in a considerable saving to our Promotional Group, as we are able to half expenses for our Shows. In addition to which, we are also working in with a couple of other Breed Societies, sharing grounds, which will also result in considerable savings. We had a very successful Promotional Event at Gawler Agricultural Show Fun Day, where we did demonstrations of our SA Performance Classes with Ponies doing Trail Courses, Jumping, Long-Reign and Harness. This event was well supported by our members, and we had 12 Ponies attend. These promotional events are a great opportunity to show the general public the versatility of Miniature and Appendix Ponies. Our SA Members were very disappointed that we were unable to attend the Adelaide Animal Expo this year due to “Cirque Du Soleil” taking over our area which meant there were some issues with parking and the stables not being available and so it was just too difficult for us to attend …. Oh well …. There is always next time! I am in the process of confirming SA Measurers are willing to continue in their role and reminding them they need to renew their Membership by 1 August 2024 to continue as an Official Measurer. I have also updated the Measurer’s Guidelines, which were outdated and have added some important reminders for Measurer’s to remind Members when they are measuring.
NSW - Show Committee B. Voysey
Shows have been set for AMPS® NSW Promotional Group for August, September, and the State Championship Show in November. Due to the spread of Membership, Shows are being held in as many different areas as possible. In addition to these Shows, sponsorship of AMPS® Classes at several Agricultural Shows is being arranged as well. We had a couple of Members attend a successful Promotional Event at the recent Mudgee Field Days and also have a couple of Members who have committed to attend with their Ponies at the Moss Vale Agri Show Promotional Event in August. It has been fantastic the number of Members who have contacted me offering assistance at Shows and sponsorship for Shows and who have expressed appreciation that they are getting Shows put on for them and that everyone has been included in things and invited to take part. I am also very grateful for the assistance given by Michael Towle who has been posting on AMPS® NSW Facebook page keeping Members up to date with things. I am in the process of confirming NSW Measurers are willing to continue in their role and reminding them they need to renew their Membership by 1 August 2024 to continue as an Official Measurer.
QLD – No Report
12. General Business
·Increase in Fees – W. Chirgwin has asked the Committee to have a look at the current scale of fees increase and see what needs to be increased.
whatever is to be changed not to forget to include GST. B Voysey also highlighted the fact that we need to take overheads, including Insurance, into account when setting fees. M. Stringer to follow up with LBC to make sure all the late fees will be charged as and when due. Also, we have not charged late renewal fees since before Covid and the Committee agreed that these should now be charged. B Voysey suggested having a dedicated Committee Meeting next month to discuss price increases so they could be finalized before the AGM.
· LBC Contract Agreement
W. Chirgwin read out the Agreement and the only change that she can see in it is that it has gone from 3 year to 5 years. Discussion held.
M. Stringer has asked if the Committee had a plan B like is there anyone else that can take over our registry and the answer was NO.
W. Chirgwin has asked to have the contract sent to the rest of the Committee so they can read over it and then put the Agreement on the Agenda for the next Committee meeting. LBC fees were discussed and B Voysey pointed out that the LBC fees themselves were reasonable, including their hourly charge. The larger fees for June would include the Membership Renewal mailout. In addition to which, with less Committee Members, more work was being sent direct to LBC, which would also include the increase in fees, but unfortunately with less people on Committee we had no option.
· Small Talk Printing. A quote had been obtained from the Printer in Drouin where we used to get Small Talk printed. Quote $1,410.00 + GST for 260 copies. W. Chirgwin asked J. Spiteri if the quote was reasonable. J. Spiteri said it was as the quote was the same price as a couple of years ago and the quote is for 260 books and due to less Members now this price could be less, which will be even better. The only reason we had not used this Printer for a while was the distance away from everyone and difficulty picking up the Magazines. M. Miller has kindly offered to go and pick the magazines up from the Printer at Drouin, so it is going to be possible to get Small Talk printed there again. C. Dyer and M. Stringer have offered their assistance to help with the packaging up for mail out as well.
· Committee discussed the email re NSW Member getting her local Vet to do the 4yr old heigh upgrade this has been agreed M. Stringer to email all the relevant paperwork to Member.
13. To accept and ratify payments.
· Equitana $668.25
Correctly Moved & Seconded AIF Carried
14. Next Meeting Date
· Wednesday 7th August 2024 7pm (Vic) Committee Zoom Price Meeting
· AGM Zoom Saturday 14th September 2024 10am (Vic Time)
15. Meeting Closed
8.20pm (Vic Time)
The National Committee of Management has held discussions at several meetings regarding the Small Talk publication. It is considered that the current quarterly magazine fails to provide members with up-to-date information, and a quality magazine The number of Member contributions and paid advertisements has rapidly decreased over the past few years, largely due to the increased use of social media and the ability to readily advertise free to a much broader audience. Due to the significant voluntary hours required by the Small Talk Editor to seek articles and prepare the publication for printing, it has also been a challenge for the Committee to obtain nominations for this position. Considering the factors above, the National Committee of Management decision is to reduce the quarterly publications to One (1) annual publication, published October each year. The aim is to provide a magazine that Members look forward to receiving with useful information and which celebrates the achievements of our Members and their ponies.
If Members would like extra copies of Small Talk they are $15 each plus postage
AMPS® National Committee of Management
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